global land administration

AIOS Integrated Land Systems to end the vicious circle of global land administration

The Romanian company Trencadis Corp and the Swiss GeoZone have joined forces to create AIOS Integrated Land Systems, the only one-stop-shop for land management.  

We have worked extensively with governments across the globe to understand their needs better. Our expertise enabled us to develop the only Integrated Land Solution, handling all equipment and processes, from the moment the first field measurement is made, until the landowner pays the land tax electronically.

With over forty years of experience across six continents, AIOS Integrated Land Systems is the only One-Stop-Shop for land management.

“GeoZone and Trencadis Corp have created a strong partnership based on mutual trust and years of successful cooperation. We are most pleased that together we can offer a level of integration no other company in the world can provide.” Zdenko Kurtović, the Owner of GeoZone & AIOS board member. 

The deployment of the AIOS solution, guarantees in-the-field preliminary property titles for landowners, expediting financing options, and according to Deutsche Zusammenarbeit, it decreases land disputes by up to 80%. 

From mapping acquisitions in Australia to the integration of Romania’s national cadastral registry, to field operations in Uganda, the AIOS service team provides all-inclusive services to its global customer base. 

“Tackling global problems is at the core of Trencadis Corp. According to United Nations data provided by FAO, HABITAT, and DESA and compiled by the AIOS team, 70% of the world’s nations and sovereignties lack the tools to manage and develop the land. Without property titles, there is no real estate, no investments, no agricultural development, and no jobs are created. In this day and age, underdevelopment is no longer a local problem; it is global” Radu Negulescu, the CEO of Trencadis Corp & AIOS board member. 

Trencadis is a future-ready tech company based in Romania, working with governments across the globe to minimize the loss of human lives, improve the public sector, and the lives of citizens across the world.

GeoZone is a Swiss-based, developer, manufacturer, and distributor of surveying, mapping, and UAV products and services, working with the private and public sectors worldwide.

Visit, the only one-stop-shop for land management and see our work across the globe.